Pathfinder: Beginner Box
"This set contains all the core elements that someone might need to jump into the game and get started on their own, without having to do a deep dive into the massive core rulebook."
Here is what is included in the box:
- An 80-page Hero’s Handbook, including rules for character generation, a solo adventure, skills, spells, and equipment.
- A 96-page Game Master’s Handbook, containing an introductory adventure, over 20 pages of monsters, rules for building your own adventure, and magic items.
- 4 premade characters so you can jump right into the action and four blank character sheets if you want to make your own hero.
- Over 100 character and monster pawns to use on the full-color double-sided adventure map.
Four game reference cards to help players remember their actions.
- A complete set of polyhedral dice
We do not currently have this item in stock at the Cabin, however it is still available to purchase.
Once purchased we will attempt to order it in as soon as possible.
You'll recieve an "Available to Pickup" email once we have recieved the item.