All Paints
Citadel Colour - Spray - Chaos Black
Games WorkshopMakes undercoating and basing your models simple Smooth matt finish Can size: 400ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Abaddon Black
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Leadbelcher
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Shade - Nuln Oil 18ML
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Spray - Wraithbone
Games WorkshopMakes undercoating and basing your models simple Provides the perfect basecoat for Contrast paints Smooth satin finish Can size: 400ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Mephiston Red
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Pro Acryl - Bold Titanium White
Pro AcrylCitadel Colour - Base - Retributor Armour
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Wraithbone
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Shade - Agrax Earthshade 18ML
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Contrast - Skeleton Horde
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Mournfang Brown
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Corax White
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Layer - White Scar
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Contrast - Black Templar
Games WorkshopContrast - Black Legion 18ML
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Base - Rhinox Hide
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Base - Mechanicus Standard Grey
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Base - Khorne Red
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Base - Zandri Dust
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Contrast - Guilliman Flesh
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Layer - Ushabti Bone
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Technical - Lahmian Medium
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Layer - Evil Sunz Scarlet
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Spray - Grey Seer
Games WorkshopMakes undercoating and basing your models simple Smooth matt finish Can size: 400ml
Citadel Colour - Contrast - Basilicanum Grey
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Spray - White Scar
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Contrast - Blood Angels Red
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Averland Sunset
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml