Warhammer - Age of Sigmar
- Cities of Sigmar (30)
- Daughters of Khaine (8)
- Fyreslayers (15)
- Idoneth Deepkin (12)
- Kharadon Overlords (13)
- Lumineth Realm-Lords (4)
- Seraphon (16)
- Stormcast Eternals (29)
- Sylvaneth (15)
- Blades of Khorne (15)
- Disciples of Tzeentch (13)
- Maggotkin of Nurgle (9)
- Skaven (16)
- Slaves to Darkness (17)
- Flesh-eater Courts (10)
- Nighthaunt (25)
- Ossiarch Bonereapers (18)
- Soulblight Gravelords (26)
- Gloomspite Gitz (20)
- Ogor Mawtribes (14)
- Orruk Warclans (13)
- Sons of Behemat (3)
Cities of Sigmar Army Set
Games WorkshopWarhammer Underworlds - The Crimson Court (ENG) [Mail Order Only]
Games Workshop**Note, this product does not contain the cards for using these models in Warhammer Underworlds** Prince Duvalle claims descent from the von Carste...
View full detailsSlaves to Darkness Army Set
Games WorkshopStormcast Eternals - Battletome (ENG)
Games WorkshopStormcast Eternals are the mightiest warriors of Order. Each forged in Azyr by Sigmar's hand, these noble warriors strike out into the realms to do...
View full detailsSeraphon Army Set
Games WorkshopThe Reptilian Children of The Old Ones Have Descended to Destroy ChaosThe Seraphon strive tirelessly to advance the Great Plan of the Old Ones, ret...
View full detailsGloomspite Gitz - Squig Herd
Cryptic CabinSquigs! Little more than mouths with legs and a terrible attitude, these vicious creatures are feared across the Mortal Realms for their rapacious ...
Games WorkshopGalen And Doralia Ven Denst
Games WorkshopDeep in the city of Excelsis lie several wards sealed off on pain of death, areas forever blighted by Tzeentchian sorceries left in the wake of the...
View full detailsSaurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon
Games WorkshopScar-Veterans are champions among the Seraphon, marked for command by battle-tested skill and sheer ferocity. Many Scar-Veterans choose to fight fr...
View full detailsLord-Commander Bastian Carthalos
Games WorkshopThere is no higher rank in a Stormhost than Lord-Commander, and in the Hammers of Sigmar this esteemed position is held by Bastian Carthalos, the T...
View full detailsBlood Knights
Games WorkshopSome vampires dedicate their eternal lives to the mastery of one pursuit, and those determined to become peerless warriors invariably end up among ...
View full detailsDaemon Prince
Games WorkshopDaemon Princes were once mortal champions of Chaos, elevated to eternal daemonhood as a coveted reward from their mercurial patrons. Each of these ...
View full detailsBattletome: Gloomspite Gitz
Games WorkshopIn the darkest nooks and crannies of the Mortal Realms lurk the Gloomspite Gitz. An army of vicious greenskins and troglodytic monsters, they swarm...
View full detailsWarcry: Questor Soulsworn Warband
Games WorkshopDeadwalker Zombies
Games WorkshopDeadwalker Zombies are created from the bodies of the recently dead, given strength through the power of dark necromancy and sent onto the battlefi...
View full detailsKurnoth Hunters (Swords, Scythes or Bows).
Games WorkshopOne of the few deities worshipped by the sylvaneth alongside Alarielle, Kurnoth represents nature’s wildness and hunger. The Kurnoth Hunters are li...
View full detailsSaurus Astrolith Bearer
Games WorkshopTuskboss on Maw-Grunta
Games WorkshopVigilors
Games WorkshopVigilors are Thunderstrike-armoured advance scouts. Rangers who forge ahead of the main Stormcast Eternal forces, Vigilors function similarly to th...
View full detailsVampire Lord
Games WorkshopElder vampires often continue to grow in power as the years tick by, their arcane and martial might growing steadily even as the paragons of mortal...
View full detailsOrruk Warclans - Battletome (ENG)
Games WorkshopThe Orruks are Destruction incarnate. This vicious and primal race of natural-born killers loves nothing more than to wage unending war. Their soci...
View full detailsDankhold Troggoth / Dankhold Troggboss
Games WorkshopDankhold Troggoths sleep deep underground until the Gloomspite moves them to lumber up to the surface and wreak havoc. They swat and crush everythi...
View full detailsBloodthirster
Games WorkshopBloodletters
Games WorkshopThe Bloodletters form the core of the vast legions of the Lord of Battle. Believed to have been foremost amongst the Blood God's followers in morta...
View full detailsChaos Spawn
Games WorkshopChaos Spawn are hideous victims of their own ambition, their wracked minds and distorted bodies unable to withstand the gifts – or curses – of the ...
View full detailsChristmas Promo: Da Red Gobbo's Surprise
Games WorkshopFlamers of Tzeentch
Games WorkshopBounding in a disturbing fashion, Flamers of Tzeentch spring toward the foe spouting wyrdflame, the warpfire of Chaos itself. The supernatural flam...
View full detailsLumineth Realm-Lords - Battletome (ENG)
Games WorkshopBlue Horrors of Tzeentch
Games WorkshopCasting vindictive glares at their enemies and blasting them apart with mystical fire, Blue Horrors are as resentful and bitter as their pink cousi...
View full detailsRockgut Troggoths
Games WorkshopRockgut Troggoths have stony hides that are proof against blade, bolt and magical blast alike. Their lumpen claws pass through stone as though it w...
View full detailsDire Wolves
Games WorkshopIt is said that to hear a Dire Wolf's howl is to be damned. These lupine undead are tireless hunters, and when they finally run their prey to the g...
View full detailsOrruk Brutes
Games WorkshopLumbering, heavy-set creatures with furrowed brows and heavy armour, orruk Brutes are unconcerned with the complex things in life. Their minds a...
View full detailsSquig Hoppers / Boingrot Bounderz
Games WorkshopSquig Hoppers bound madly into battle, wreaking havoc on anything they collide with. Each hurtling squig has a cackling grot clinging to its back, ...
View full detailsGreat Unclean One / Rotigus
Games WorkshopThe Great Unclean Ones are Nurgle’s mightiest daemons. Towering over their enemies, these living hillocks of rotting flesh lumber across the battle...
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