Orruk Warclans
Orruk Warclans - Battletome (ENG)
Games WorkshopThe Orruks are Destruction incarnate. This vicious and primal race of natural-born killers loves nothing more than to wage unending war. Their soci...
View full detailsChristmas Promo: Da Red Gobbo's Surprise
Games WorkshopOrruk Brutes
Games WorkshopLumbering, heavy-set creatures with furrowed brows and heavy armour, orruk Brutes are unconcerned with the complex things in life. Their minds a...
View full detailsArdboy Big Boss
Games WorkshopMegaboss
Games WorkshopThe biggest – and therefore the best – of the Ironjawz, the orruk Megabosses lead the Ironjaw warclans with a ramshackle unity, smashing and stompi...
View full detailsWarcry: Kruleboyz Monsta-Killaz
Games WorkshopWeirdbrute Wrekkaz
Games WorkshopZoggrok Anvilsmasha
Games WorkshopMarshcrawla Sloggoth
Games WorkshopDistant relatives to the troggoths found in caves and mountains, Marshcrawla Sloggoths are slow, patient hunters with long, grasping limbs that the...
View full detailsBattletome: Orruk Warclans (4th Edition)
Games WorkshopGordrakkk the Fist of Gork / Orruk Megaboss on Maw-Krusha
Games WorkshopAbove all the clatter and clamour and yelling and bellowing of the Ironjawz, a single voice dominates. This particularly loud and brash orruk is Go...
View full detailsGutrippaz
Games WorkshopWielding an assortment of jagged spears and wickedly sharp hand weapons, the Gutrippaz are the mainstay of any Kruleboyz army. They march to battle...
View full detailsWeirdnob Shaman
Games WorkshopWildly unpredictable, savage, untamed and violent, Waaagh! magic cannot be controlled by anything with even a shred of sanity. Luckily, the Ironjaw...
View full detailsWarhammer Underworld's: Daggok's Stab-Ladz
Games WorkshopSwampboss Skumdrekk / Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast
Games WorkshopOf all the Snatchabosses, Skumdrekk is the vilest and most kunnin'. As such, he has become a sort of celebrity to the Kruleboyz of Ghur. Owner of t...
View full detailsBreaka-Boss On Mirebrute Troggoth
Games WorkshopThe most vicious Kruleboyz leaders often ride into battle riding a towering Mirebrute Troggoth that they have brought to heel. These lumbering beas...
View full detailsBeast-Skewer Killbow
Games WorkshopThe Beast-skewer Killbow is a cruel ballista with one purpose – slaying the largest of beasts with brutal efficiency. Manned by Kruleboyz hand-pick...
View full detailsOrruk Warclans: Manifestations
Games WorkshopMan-Skewer Boltboyz
Games WorkshopMan-skewer Boltboyz are known for using crude crossbows to engage in ranged combat. Their close-combat comrades heckle and scoff at this perceived ...
View full detailsOrruk Warclans - Warscroll Cards (ENG)
Games WorkshopSpearhead: Orruk Warclans (Ironjawz Bigmob)
Games WorkshopWarscroll Cards: Orruk Warclans
Games WorkshopOrruk Warclans: Hobgrot Slittaboss
Games WorkshopOrruk Warclans: Bossrokk Tower
Games WorkshopSpearhead: ORRUK WARCLANS
Games WorkshopKragnos, the End of Empires
Games WorkshopIn the Age of Myth, long before the reign of Sigmar Heldenhammer, gods walked among mortals across the nine realms. One such deity was Kragnos, the...
View full detailsGobsprakk The Mouth Of Mork / Killaboss on Corpse-Rippa Vulcha
Games WorkshopEmbodying both aspects of Gorkamorka, Killabosses are a mix of brains and brawn. These tall, sinewy creatures know precisely when to lead an all-ou...
Games WorkshopOrruk Warclans: Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-Grot [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopSwampcalla Shamans are foul creatures, even by Kruleboyz standards. These spell-flingers have an innate connection to the mires they inhabit, which...
View full detailsOrruk Warclans: Killaboss with Stab-Grot [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopKillabosses are the warlords of the Kruleboyz. Each has wrested their position from rivals by being a potent warrior and possessing true Morkish ku...
View full detailsWarchanter [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopRabble-rousers of note in an entire clan of rabble-rousers, Warchanters will use anything nearby to hammer out the rhythm of war, a rhythm that thu...
View full detailsAge of Sigmar - Extremis (ENG)
Games WorkshopThe Soul Wars are over, but a new conflict brews in the Realm of Beasts.It is a time of great change in the Mortal Realms. A surge of life sweeps a...
View full detailsHobgrot Slittaz
Games WorkshopHobgrots are devious and malicious allies for the Kruleboyz. In Orruk society they act as barterers, trading between the greenskins and Hashut-wors...
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