- Cities of Sigmar
- Daughters of Khaine
- Fyreslayers
- Idoneth Deepkin
- Kharadon Overlords
- Seraphon
- Stormcast Eternals
- Sylvaneth
- Blades of Khorne
- Disciples of Tzeentch
- Maggotkin of Nurgle
- Skaven
- Slaves to Darkness
- Nighthaunt
- Ossiarch Bonereapers
- Soulblight Gravelords
- Gloomspite Gitz
- Orruk Warclans
- Sons of Behemat
Contrast - Mantis Warriors Green 18ML
Games WorkshopContrast - Ratling Grime 18ML
Games WorkshopContrast - Hexwraith Flame 18ML
Games WorkshopContrast - Garaghak's Sewer 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Soulblight Grey 18ML
Games WorkshopContrast - Nighthaunt Gloom 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Tyran Blue 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Berserker Bloodshade 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Mortarion Grime 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Targor Rageshade 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Poxwalker 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Seraphim Sepia 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Reikland Fleshshade 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Kroak Green 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Athonian Camoshade 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Coelia Greenshade 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Fuegan Orange 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Druchii Violet 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Drakenhof Nightshade 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Nuln Oil 18ML
Games WorkshopShade - Carroburg Crimson 18ML
Games WorkshopHive Guard / Tyrant Guard.
Games WorkshopHive Guard are heavily armoured gun-beasts bound to extremely powerful symbiotic bio-weapons. They are created to guard the Tyranid Hive Ships and...
View full detailsSpearhead: Daughters of Khaine
Games WorkshopAs deadly as they are graceful, the warlike aelves of the Daughters of Khaine seek to spill sacred torrents of blood in the name of their violent d...
View full detailsSpearhead: Nighthaunt
Games WorkshopFrom Shyish, the Realm of Death, come the ethereal Nighthaunt – incorporeal spirits driven to murder by their bitter hatred for the living. These s...
View full detailsHorus Heresy - Traitor Legiones Astartes
Games WorkshopHorus Heresy - Loyalist Legiones Astartes
Games WorkshopHorus Heresy - Kratos Heavy Assualt Tank
Games WorkshopHorus Heresy - Thousand Sons - Azhek Ahriman
Games WorkshopHorus Heresy - Special Weapons Upgrade Set
Games WorkshopHorus Heresy - Deimos Pattern Rhino
Games WorkshopHorus Heresy - Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set - Heavy Bolter/Missle Launcher
Games WorkshopHorus Heresy - Age Of Darkness Boxset
Games WorkshopAn Age of Darkness has descended upon the galaxy. Horus Lupercal, Warmaster of the Emperor's armies, has turned against his gene-father and sent th...
View full detailsAuric Runefather / Runeson / Runesmiter on Magmadroth
Games WorkshopAuric Runefathers inspire awed devotion in those they command, fearless and mighty warlords who stand at the head of each Fyreslayer lodge. Mounted...
View full detailsBlack Coach
Games WorkshopThe Black Coaches are funerary carriages from the underworlds. Within these arcane carriages any tangible remains are gathered in a casket that off...
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