New products
Stormhawk Interceptor / Stormtalon Gunship
Games WorkshopAn awesome sight, descending at incredible velocities from orbiting warships to engage and annihilate enemy craft, Stormhawk Interceptors are a stu...
View full detailsDark Elves - Supreme Sorceress (Mail Order)
Games WorkshopMost Darkling Covens centre around a single powerful Sorceress; these despots may have apprentice spellcasters and captains, but their rule is a...
View full detailsCairn Wraith
Games WorkshopCairn Wraiths are amongst the most powerful of the Undead. Though they lack physical form, their touch drains the life of a mortal. Their very pres...
View full detailsT'au Empire - Cadre Fireblade
Games WorkshopFireblades are the most grizzled and seasoned Fire Warriors of their cadre, whose skill at the Fire Warrior's art leads them to eschew battlesuit t...
View full detailsHarlequins - Shadowseer
Games WorkshopIllusion, misdirection and terror are the psychic tools at the disposal of the Shadowseer. Wherever the Shadowseer treads on the battlefield discip...
View full detailsHarlequins - Death Jester
Games WorkshopEmbracing the role of Death in its entirety, there is no mercy in the heart of a Death Jester. His outsize shuriken cannon reaps a deadly toll on h...
View full detailsPrimaris Chaplain
Games WorkshopThe spiritual leaders of their Chapters, Chaplains are awe-inspiring warrior priests who administer rites, preserve rituals and perform ancient cer...
View full detailsSpace Marines - Librarian
Games WorkshopLibrarians are some of the greatest warrior-mystics in the galaxy. On the battlefield they combine the martial prowess of a Space Marine with their...
View full detailsGreat Unclean One / Rotigus
Games WorkshopThe Great Unclean Ones are Nurgle’s mightiest daemons. Towering over their enemies, these living hillocks of rotting flesh lumber across the battle...
View full detailsBlue Horrors of Tzeentch
Games WorkshopCasting vindictive glares at their enemies and blasting them apart with mystical fire, Blue Horrors are as resentful and bitter as their pink cousi...
View full detailsGryph-Hounds
Games WorkshopPack-hunting creatures from the realm of Azyr, Gryph-hounds are noble beasts who detest corruption. Their sharp senses pierce deception as easily a...
View full detailsAhriman
Games WorkshopFor ten thousand years, the seeker of arcane truths known as Ahriman has roamed the galaxy in a quest to acquire every artefact, every tome and eve...
View full detailsThousand Sons - Magnus The Red
Games WorkshopThe air screams as Magnus the Red descends from the skies, and stone runs molten beneath his shadow. Cyclopean son of the Emperor of Mankind, his v...
View full detailsChaos Terminator Squad
Games WorkshopChaos Terminators are heavily armoured veterans clad in debased suits of Tactical Dreadnought armour. They form the elite of their masters’ warband...
View full detailsStormraven Gunship
Games WorkshopThe Stormraven Gunship is an armoured versatile craft that combines the role of dropship, armoured transport and strike craft.This multi-part plast...
View full detailsCorvus Blackstar
Games WorkshopFar, far more advanced than the other Imperial craft which it resembles, the Corvus Blackstar is truly worthy of ferrying a Deathwatch Kill Team to...
View full detailsBlood Bowl - Necromantic Horror - Team
Games WorkshopBlood Bowl is a gloriously violent game, but the best players don't let anything as pedestrian as death keep them down. The Necromancers of Sylvani...
View full detailsWight King with Baleful Tomb Blade
Games WorkshopIn ancient times, mighty warlords fought across the lands. Upon their death, these brutal warriors were buried deep beneath the ground, their tombs...
View full detailsAbhorrant Archregent
Games WorkshopArchregents are Ghoul Kings who have ruled for hundreds upon hundreds of years, growing terrifyingly powerful. They are mighty vampiric warrior-kin...
View full detailsCitadel - Tool - Painting Handle Mk.2
Games WorkshopFirst, there was the humble Citadel Painting Handle – this simple tool was a runaway hit, making it easy to paint your model and eat a bacon sandwi...
View full detailsArkanaut Company
Games WorkshopWhen it comes to feet on the ground, the Arkanaut Companies form the Kharadron Overlords’ main fighting forces. Descending swiftly via a Frigate’s ...
View full detailsRockgut Troggoths
Games WorkshopRockgut Troggoths have stony hides that are proof against blade, bolt and magical blast alike. Their lumpen claws pass through stone as though it w...
View full detailsDaemon Prince
Games WorkshopDaemon Princes were once mortal champions of Chaos, elevated to eternal daemonhood as a coveted reward from their mercurial patrons. Each of these ...
View full detailsLady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief
Games WorkshopShe is the Mourning Bride, the Unrequited Queen, the Veiled Lady and the Mortarch of Grief. She is despair made manifest, gloom given form. She is ...
View full detailsSpirit Hosts
Games WorkshopChoking the air above the Nighthaunt host are the most numerous of its warriors - the Spirit Hosts. These are the souls of the damned, stripped of ...
View full detailsCitadel Colour - Contrast - Guilliman Flesh
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Contrast - Skeleton Horde
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Contrast - Ultramarines Blue
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Contrast - Blood Angels Red
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Contrast - Iyanden Yellow
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Technical - Stirland Mud
Games WorkshopFormulated to draw out details with natural-looking depth and shadow Smooth matt finish Water-based formula Pot size: 24ml
Nighthaunt - Myrmourn Banshees (Easy To Build)
Games WorkshopThe Myrmourn banshees have a diabolical hunger, for they feast solely upon magic. No enemy spell is safe from the ravenous spirits, and they haunt ...
View full detailsCitadel Colour - Dry - Necron Compound
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Wraithbone
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Corax White
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Base - Retributor Armour
Games WorkshopSpecially formulated to provide a solid basecoat with a high pigment count Smooth matt finish Pot size: 12ml