New products
Army Painter - Basing - Winter Tuft
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Tweezer Set
The Army PainterTweezers are a very useful tool for assembling miniatures and handling small components, especially for gluing, converting or handling decals.- GLU...
View full detailsArmy Painter - Tools - Miniature And Model Files
The Army PainterThese diamond files are extremely versatile tools for the wargamer & hobbyist. A must-have for custom conversions and cleaning mold lines, as w...
View full detailsArmy Painter - Tools - Hydro Pack - Wet Palette Accessory
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Wargamer Brush - Vehicle & Scenery
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Hobby Brush - Super Detail
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Wargamer Brush - Insane Detail
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Hobby Brush - Precise Detail
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Wargamer Brush - Small Drybrush
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Hobby Brush - Highlighting
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Wargamer Brush - Character
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Hobby Brush - Drybrush
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Superglue Activator
The Army PainterInstantly bonds model and miniature pieces. Most super glue can take up to 10-30 seconds to harden. Not anymore! Save time with Magic Super Glue Ac...
View full detailsArmy Painter - Battlefield Basing Set
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Tools - Hobby Tool Kit
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Basing - Jungle Tuft
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Basing - Lowland Shrubs
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Basing - Swamp Tuft
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Basing - Frozen Tuft
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Basing - Wasteland Tuft
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Basing - Meadow Flowers
The Army PainterArmy Painter - Basing - Mountain Tuft
The Army PainterGenestealer Cults - Neophyte Hybrids
Games WorkshopBy the time a Genestealer Cult launches its insurrection, its Neophyte Hybrids make up a horde of thousands. Weathered and toughened by a life of h...
View full detailsBaneblade / Shadowsword (All Variants)
Games WorkshopA single super-heavy tank is a dominant presence in an Astra Militarum battle line. As it ploughs inexorably forward it lays down a wide path of de...
View full detailsArmy Painter - Tools - Hobby Brush - Basecoating
The Army PainterA perfect brush for painting the bulk of infantry. The brush end has the right thickness for holding paint without spilling it all at first stroke.
Gladiator Valiant / Reaper
Games WorkshopWhen the cannons of the Gladiator Reaper spin to full pitch, the droning makes the teeth of all nearby itch with the intensity of vibrations. Withi...
View full detailsSpace Marines - Blood Angels - Datacards (ENG)
Games WorkshopDrukhari - Wyches
Games WorkshopIn the craft of murder, Wyches have no equal. In battle, Wyches feed upon screams of pain. With combat drugs coursing through their veins, Wyche...
View full detailsStrike / Interceptor / Purifier / Purgation Squad
Games WorkshopPlease note: these miniatures can also be assembled as a Grey Knight Interceptor Squad, a Grey Knight Purifier Squad or a Grey Knight Purgation Squ...
View full detailsTyranids - Start Collecting!
Games WorkshopA seemingly numberless horde of ghastly super-predators, adapted bio-weapons optimised for the kill - the Tyranids emerge from the cold darkness of...
View full detailsWindriders
Games WorkshopSwooping, jinking and arcing across the skies at unbelievable speed, turning at impossible angles, the Windriders are jetbike pilots completely ...
View full detailsHemlock Wraithfighter / Crimson Hunter
Games WorkshopThe Hemlock Wraithfighter is a weapon of terror used mainly against enemy infantry. With a Spiritseer seated inside the clear plastic canopy, th...
View full detailsOrks - Killa Kans
Games WorkshopKilla Kans are essentially giant metal canisters on piston-driven legs that sport lethal close combat attachments and heavy-duty weaponry. One o...
View full detailsMortarion, Daemon Primarch Of Nurgle
Games WorkshopFor ten thousand years Mortarion, Lord of the Death Guard, has crushed his enemies upon the field of battle. Surrounded by chittering Daemon mites,...
View full detailsBlightlord Terminators
Games WorkshopBlightlord Terminators are relentless and unstoppable, elite Death Guard warriors bound forever to mutated suits of Cataphractii armour. They stalk...
View full detailsArmy Painter - Spray - Satin Varnish
The Army PainterA 400ml Spray Can of Army Painter Primer. Primers are acrylic based, matte, and dry very quickly. Remember to always read the instructions, and do ...
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