Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game - Lords of the Rings
Rohan™ Watchtower and Palisades
Games WorkshopRohan has seen much war and turmoil in its relatively brief history, and many watchtowers and small forts have been erected across the Riddermark t...
View full detailsRohan House
Games WorkshopRohan has seen much war and turmoil in its relatively brief history, but more recently, many of its settlements have been coming under attack by ro...
View full detailsMorannon™ Orcs
Games WorkshopA stronger strain of Orc has appeared within the armies of the Black Gate and Barad-dûr - the Morannon Orcs. Their armour is thick and strong, prov...
View full detailsMordor™ Orcs
Games WorkshopOrcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth. They are evil-hearted monsters that rejoice in slaughter and destruction. The Orc's natural ag...
View full detailsKnights of Minas Tirith™
Games WorkshopThose warriors who excel in riding a horse will join the Knights of Minas Tirith. Tall and stern, these knights are truly the pride of Gondor's arm...
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