Spearhead: Fyreslayers
Games WorkshopThe lives of the Fyreslayers revolve around battle, for these grizzled duardin mercenaries will fight on behalf of any who meet their price in gold...
View full detailsFyreslayers - Battletome
Games WorkshopThe Fyreslayers are a culture of duardin whose entire existence revolves around battle, renowned for their short tempers and unrivalled skill with ...
View full detailsHearthguard Berzerkers / Hearthguard
Games WorkshopIncredibly powerful elite warriors, possibly the strongest in their lodges, the Hearthguard Berzerkers are the first to heed the call of Fyresla...
View full detailsGotrek Gurnisson [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopIn the long-lost world-that-was, Gotrek Gurnisson was a monster slayer without peer. Seeking a valiant death to atone for a mysterious sin, he trav...
View full detailsWarcry: Vulkyn Flameseekers
Games WorkshopDawnbringers: Fjori's Flamebearers
Games WorkshopAuric Runefather / Runeson / Runesmiter on Magmadroth
Games WorkshopAuric Runefathers inspire awed devotion in those they command, fearless and mighty warlords who stand at the head of each Fyreslayer lodge. Mounted...
Games WorkshopAuric Flamekeeper [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopAuric Flamekeepers are the fearsome funerary priests of the Fyreslayer lodges. They keep alive the fiery spirit of Grimnir by absorbing ur-gold pow...
View full detailsMagmic Invocations [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopSummoned by the blazing will of the Runemasters and Runesmiters, Magmic Invocations are magical constructs forged of arcane fire that bring death t...
View full detailsGrimhold Exile [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopWielding paired fyre-rune hammers, Grimhold Exiles are the survivors of fallen magmaholds, warriors who fight to honour their lost kin with each bl...
View full detailsMagmic Battleforge [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopFormed instantaneously from molten metal, the Magmic Battleforge is a reflection of godly power, a manifestation of Grimnir’s fury fused with the w...
View full detailsAuric Runemaster [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopEssential to the operation of a lodge, Auric Runemasters serve a number of purposes. As high priests of the forge-temple, they craft the ur-gold ru...
View full detailsGrimwrath Berzerker [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopThe strongest and most skilful warriors of their lodges - no small feat amongst the Fyreslayers - Grimwrath Berzerkers are the fury of Grimnir give...
View full detailsDoomseeker [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopIt is said of the Doomseeker that his axe scorches the air with every swing, that he spits glowing cinders with every war cry, and that the wrath o...
View full detailsVulkite Berzerkers
Games WorkshopKnown across the Realms for their prowess in battle and absolute lack of fear when faced with enemies that tower over their stout forms, Vulkite Be...
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