Disciples of Tzeentch
Chaos Spawn
Games WorkshopChaos Spawn are hideous victims of their own ambition, their wracked minds and distorted bodies unable to withstand the gifts – or curses – of the ...
View full detailsBlue Horrors of Tzeentch
Games WorkshopCasting vindictive glares at their enemies and blasting them apart with mystical fire, Blue Horrors are as resentful and bitter as their pink cousi...
View full detailsFlamers of Tzeentch
Games WorkshopBounding in a disturbing fashion, Flamers of Tzeentch spring toward the foe spouting wyrdflame, the warpfire of Chaos itself. The supernatural flam...
View full detailsLord Of Change / Kairos Fateweaver
Games WorkshopThe greatest of Tzeentch’s daemons, the Lords of Change shimmer with raw magic. With a flick of its claw, a Lord of Change can hurl foes into night...
View full detailsMutalith Vortex Beast [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopA Mutalith Vortex Beast is an utter abomination of nature. It is a terrifying fusion of monster and magic, a creature mutated beyond all reason by ...
View full detailsDisciples of Tzeentch - Battletome
Games WorkshopA storm of mutating magic heralds the Disciples of Tzeentch – eldritch warriors in service to the Changer of the Ways, a mercurial deity who deligh...
Games WorkshopDisciples of Tzeentch - Arcanites Tzaangors
Games WorkshopSavage, avian beasts dedicated to Tzeentch, Tzaangors have been willingly warped into shapes and forms pleasing to the Architect of Fate. They watc...
View full detailsSpearhead: Disciples of Tzeentch
Games WorkshopThe worshippers of the Changer of the Ways seek to reshape the Mortal Realms, twisting it into forms more pleasing to their fickle god. Sorcerously...
Games WorkshopFateskimmer, Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot / Burning Chariot of Tzeentch [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopTrailing arcane flames and maniacal laughter, a Fateskimmer streaks across the skies. While the Herald conjures firestorms to engulf the foe, the B...
Games WorkshopWarhammer Underworlds: Wyrdhollow
Games WorkshopSoul Grinder [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopSoul Grinders are clanking, monstrous war engines, crafted from unwise daemons who struck a bargain with the Forge of Souls. These damned hulks mus...
View full detailsScreamers of Tzeentch [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopSpeeding blurs that leave shimmering trails of change-magics in the air behind them, Screamers streak across the skies with a wailing cry. They sla...
View full detailsTzaangor Enlightened / Tzaangor Skyfires
Games WorkshopElite Tzaangors, possessing strange feathers and elaborate horns, the Tzaangor Enlightened are truly blessed with the favour of Tzeentch. They wiel...
View full detailsEndless Spells: Disciples of Tzeentch [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopTzeentch is the god of magic – so it stands to reason that his endless spells would be among the Mortal Realms’ most deadly and unpredictable summo...
View full detailsOgroid Thaumaturge [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopVery little is truly known about the Ogroid Thaumaturges – other than their fearsome prowess in combat. In their rage, their skin writhes with arca...
View full detailsMagister [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopMagisters are powerful sorcerers in service to Tzeentch. Filled with eldritch energies, a Magister can wield fantastical fires to scorch the foe, o...
View full detailsKairic Acolytes [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopHuman cultists of Tzeentch, Chanters of Change, the Kairic Acolytes have made dire sacrifices for the promise of knowledge and power, spending deca...
View full detailsWarcry: Jade Obelisk Dice Set
Games WorkshopThe Speaker in the Stone wants you to tear down the false idols of your enemies. This set of themed dice will show your opponent that you’re prepar...
View full detailsTzaangor Shaman
Games WorkshopGifted with arcane abilities, precognitive visions and savage intelligence, Tzaangor Shamans are the most powerful of their kind. Born beneath dark...
View full detailsTzaangor Upgrade Pack [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopThis is a set of plastic weapon upgrades for use with Tzaangors, Tzaangor Skyfires and Tzaangor Enlightened. It includes 5 arms holding autopistols...
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