Blades of Khorne
Games WorkshopChaos Spawn
Games WorkshopChaos Spawn are hideous victims of their own ambition, their wracked minds and distorted bodies unable to withstand the gifts – or curses – of the ...
View full detailsCombat Patrol: Chaos Daemons
Games WorkshopThe daemonic servants of Khorne spill from the madness of the warp to corrupt and slaughter, the very battlefield contorting at the touch of Chaos....
Games WorkshopWarcry: Claws of Karanak
Games WorkshopFlesh Hounds
Games WorkshopSpearhead: Blades of Khorne
Games WorkshopWrathmongers / Skullreapers
Games WorkshopLunatic murdersmiths who are feared and revered in equal measure, the Wrathmongers are absolute in their fervent devotion to Khorne. Infused with t...
View full detailsSoul Grinder [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopSoul Grinders are clanking, monstrous war engines, crafted from unwise daemons who struck a bargain with the Forge of Souls. These damned hulks mus...
View full detailsBloodcrushers of Khorne [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopExalted Deathbringer with Impaling Spear [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopBellowing forth a mighty, blood-curdling roar, the Exalted Deathbringer pierces his enemy with his enormous spear, lifting him high with a single, ...
View full detailsLord of Khorne on Juggernaut [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopAlready a terrifyng warrior in his own right, a Khornate lord astride a Juggernaut becomes a sheer force of unstoppable destruction. Any enemy luck...
View full detailsSkarr Bloodwrath [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopIn battle, Skarr Bloodwrath is a terrifying maelstrom of carnage. Blades whipping about him like extensions of his fury manifest, he carves a gory ...
View full detailsBloodreavers [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopDedicated to nothing more than the gleeful pursuit of slaughter, the Bloodreavers are possessed of a frenzied devotion to the Blood God that makes ...
View full detailsSkull Altar [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopWherever Khorne's followers do battle they raise up Skull Altars – dread monuments from which to offer tribute to the Blood God and receive his ble...
View full detailsJudgements of Khorne [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopWhen the necroquake shook the foundations of the Mortal Realms, the barriers between the aether and the Mortal Realms were weakened. For practition...
View full detailsAspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and Skullhammer [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopMerciless hunters who stalk the weak, these Aspiring Deathbringers stride through the battlefield exuding pure menace with every step. Any foes who...
View full detailsExalted Deathbringer with Ruinous Axe [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopOne of the most favoured of Khorne, the Exalted Deathbringers kill in order to ascend further in the glorious name of the Blood God. Every attack w...
View full detailsMighty Skullcrushers [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopThe ground shakes as the Mighty Skullcrushers ride into battle. Foes in their path are smashed aside by their furious charge, blood bursting from r...
Games WorkshopCreatures whose rage has taken them over completely, who know nothing but the appropriate red mist of anger, whose fury is such that it literally r...
View full detailsSlaughterpriest [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopLooming over his Bloodbound brethren, his face locked into a permanent rictus of raging hatred, the Slaughterpriest is literally swollen with the f...
View full detailsSkarbrand
Games WorkshopKnown as one of Khorne’s greatest champions, Skarbrand’s own lust for blood ultimately proved to be his downfall. He slew innumerable mortals in th...
View full detailsSkullmaster, Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopThe Herald asserts his will over the Juggernaut as a mortal would over a more earthly steed. Such a pairing is far deadlier than the sum of its par...
View full detailsBlood Throne / Skull Cannon [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopKaranak, the Hound of Vengeance [Mail Order Only]
Games WorkshopEver watchful, ever hungry, Karanak is the physical manifestation of the Blood God’s wrathful vengeance. Once he has the scent of his quarry, this ...
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