All Paints
Citadel Colour - Contrast - Talassar Blue
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Layer - Ironbreaker
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Contrast - Ultramarines Blue
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Contrast - Ratling Grime 18ML
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Spray - Mephiston Red
Games WorkshopMakes undercoating and basing your models simple Smooth matt finish Can size: 400ml
Citadel Colour - Layer - Emperor's Children
Games WorkshopFormulated for crisp highlights and building up layers Smooth matt finish Water-based formula Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Contrast - Plaguebearer Flesh
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Colour - Contrast - Dark Angels Green
Games WorkshopContrast - Doomfire Magenta 18ML
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Base - Orruk Flesh
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Base - Phoenician Purple
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Contrast - Space Wolves Grey
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Contrast - Militarum Green
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Layer - Warboss Green
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Base - Naggaroth Night
Games WorkshopContrast - Karandras Green 18ML
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Layer - Pink Horror
Games WorkshopFormulated for crisp highlights and building up layers Smooth matt finish Water-based formula Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Technical - Agrellan Earth
Games WorkshopContrast - Kroxigor Scales 18ML
Games WorkshopScale 75 - Metal & Alchemy - Necro Gold
Scale 75Scale 75 - Metal & Alchemy - Thrash Metal
Scale 75Citadel Colour - Base - Castellan Green
Games WorkshopFormulated for crisp highlights and building up layers Smooth matt finish Water-based formula Pot size: 12ml
Citadel Colour - Layer - Temple Guard Blue
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Layer - Genestealer Purple
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Layer - Dark Reaper
Games WorkshopShade - Drakenhof Nightshade 18ML
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Layer - Thunderhawk Blue
Cryptic CabinCitadel Colour - Contrast - Aggaros Dunes
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Layer - Flayed One Flesh
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Layer - Fulgrim Pink
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Contrast - Gryph-Hound Orange
Games WorkshopShade - Carroburg Crimson 18ML
Games WorkshopCitadel Colour - Layer - Fire Dragon Bright
Games WorkshopFormulated for crisp highlights and building up layers Smooth matt finish Water-based formula Pot size: 12ml
Contrast - Leviathan Purple 18ML
Games WorkshopScale 75 - FX Fluor - Acid Pink
Scale 75Citadel Colour - Contrast - Terradon Turquoise
Games WorkshopBases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application Water-based formula Pot size: 18ml